
Windz Centre 2025 Workshops

Level 2 Workshop Series

Narrative Maps: Guidelines for Developing Meaningful Questions
April 9th, 2025 from 1:00pm-4:30pm EST

This workshop will explore two central maps of narrative therapy that are frequently employed in brief and single session therapy, and used in longer-term therapies. One of the most impactful, novel and useful conversations therapists might have with people are externalizing of the problem. We will explore these ways of thinking and talking about problems more deeply. Together we will practice developing questions to deconstruct problem stories. We will deeply explore double listening for alternative or subordinate storylines and practice developing scaffolded questions that thicken these stories.

Registration Fee: $150 + HST 


Multi-Story Listening: What We Are Intentionally Listening For
May 7th, 2025 from 1:00pm-4:30pm EST

In all therapy conversations, and especially in single sessions and brief work, therapists can engage with the narrative therapy concept of doubly listening—seeking two stories, to listen for and enquire into the stories of life that are outside of the problem story. We are listening for two stories, the explicit story, usually regarding something that is problematic, and the implicit story that is in the shadows of the problem story. The implicit listening we are doing is focused on hearing in people’s words, what matters to them, what they hope for and prefer for their lives. We can hear within these expressions reflections of people’s knowledge, qualities and values.

Registration Fee: $150 + HST 


Brief Conversations with People Suffering from the Effects of "Trauma": What IS Possible
May 28th, 2025 from 1:00pm-4:30pm EST

The effects of trauma bring many people to therapy. Some people are available for multiple sessions while others might engage with a therapist once or sporadically. In this workshop Karen will offer some ideas and practices from narrative therapy that can be utilized in brief therapy or single sessions with people who are experiencing impacts from trauma. This workshop is an introduction to what narrative therapy can bring to conversations with people suffering from the effects of trauma.

Registration Fee: $150 + HST 



When All The Time You Have Is Now:
Walk-In Clinics and Single Session Therapy

June 10, 11, 17 & 18, 2025
from 1:00pm-4:00pm EST each day

Walk-in clinics and other forms of quick access to services have become a key part of the landscape of service delivery in Ontario as outlined in the policy paper, “No More, No Less: Brief Mental Health Services for Children and Youth" (Duvall, J., Young, K.,Kays-Burden, A.,2012). Narrative therapy ideas and practices provide therapists with ways of quickly engaging people in deeply meaningful and useful conversations. These practices are a perfect fit for settings in which just a brief encounter with people is possible, such as walk-in clinics or other short-term services where we need to make the most of the session.

Karen will share discoveries made during her 17 years working at a walk-in clinic and providing brief therapy services, about what aspects of narrative practice are particularly useful in these settings. Remarkable conversations that are “enough” can take place in one meeting when the therapist has skills that allow for respectful engagement in meaningful conversation quickly.

Registration Fee: $450 + HST 

Group Rate: Groups of 6 or more are eligible for a 10% discount off the total group fee. Contact us at for more information.

Students: Students in University or College qualify for a 10% discount. Students must provide a copy of their student identification card to with STUDENT CONFIRMATION in the subject line. Once confirmed, you will receive your coupon code via email to apply at checkout.
CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY: Windz reserves the right to cancel workshops due to under-enrollment, instructor illness or inclement weather. If a workshop is cancelled, Windz is responsible for refunding only the tuition or registration payment. For a refund, a notice of cancellation must be received in writing 30 days prior to the workshop date. After that time, a credit may be issued which may be applied to a future workshop of similar value. This credit must be used within one year of date of issue. An administration fee of $40 will be charged for cancellations. We are not able to offer a credit or refund if you notify us on the day of the workshop.
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