What you can expect in your clinical supervision sessions with Karen:
In our supervision sessions, you can expect that a postmodern lens will inform my overall worldview. My posture will be one of curiosity, collaboration, and respect for your ideas, values, and preferred ways of practicing. We would focus both on case consultation and reflective supervision.
I am interested in discourses that affect people’s work and raising issues of social justice in conversations. Conversations that involve unpacking or deconstructing are often useful and something I engage with in relation to both ideas and practices the supervisee may want to explore. An idea or practice unpacked can open up space for new possibilities. A struggle or dilemma in the work might be understood more as it is named and externalized. Exploring valued practices, beliefs and commitments about the work, and what a person brings to the work, can result in a much more richly described story of the supervisee’s practice.
In these conversations, we might explore the supervisee’s experience of their work. I may wonder about how the supervisee thought of a question they asked, how their life experience informed it, and the effects of having asked the
question. We might discuss together the options that could have been pursued in the conversation through imagined possibilities.
I hope that supervision conversations might evoke the imagination, curiosity, and creativity of the supervisee. These conversations may assist you to become clearer about your own preferences in your work, and to find ways to have your conversations more lined up with these preferences.
Karen Young