
Multi-Story Listening: What Are We Intentionally Listening For

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Product Details

May 7th from 1:00pm-4:30pm EST


In all therapy conversations, and especially in single sessions and brief work, therapists can engage with the narrative therapy concept of doubly listening—seeking two stories, to listen for and enquire into the stories of life that are outside of the problem story. We are listening for two stories, the explicit story, usually regarding something that is problematic, and the implicit story that is in the shadows of the problem story. The implicit listening we are doing is focused on hearing in people’s words, what matters to them, what they hope for and prefer for their lives. We can hear within these expressions reflections of people’s knowledge, qualities and values.

We will explore:

*How we can change what we listen for in peoples words and stories

* What we can listen for and ask about as we are setting the agenda

* What is ‘in-the-shadows’ or implied by people’s words or actions, and questions that we can ask to shine a light on these as yet unspoken qualities and values

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Multi-Story Listening: What Are We Intentionally Listening For
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